BSD Cup Challenge Rules first approved: 3/9/2001 amended: 5/31/2006 sections 1.1 (replaced) and 4.2 (replaced) amended: 10/20/2012 sections 6.8 (replaced) and 7.4 (added) amended: 7/11/2019 section 7.2 (replaced) amended: 8/18/2022 section 6.4.1 (added) 1. Amendment of rules -replaced -1.1 Each participant in the last two challenges has the right to -replaced - propose and vote for amendments to the rules. 1.1 A participant can propose and vote for amendments if they qualify under any of the following categories: a. they were a participant in any of the last two challenges b. they were a participant in any challenge in the previous 24 months from the start of the voting period c. they have won the BSD Cup anytime in the previous five years from the start of the voting period 1.2 When a proposed amendment is put up for a vote each eligible voter has 30 days to cast their vote. If they do not vote in the 30 days their vote is counted neither IN FAVOR nor AGAINST the amendment. 1.3 There must be at least five votes cast in order for the vote to be considered valid. 1.4 All votes are published and are not secret. Votes and proposed amendments can be sent via email. 1.5 If the IN FAVOR votes equals or exceeds THREE TIMES the AGAINST votes the amendment passes (a 3/4 majority vote). 1.6 All passed amendments take effect after all eligible have voted or 30 days have passed and they have not voted. 2. Adoption of rules 2.1 Since the adoption of rules is in effect an amendment from a null set of rules, adoption has the same requirements as any amendment. 3. Responsibilities of the Champion 3.1 The Champion is responsible for keeping the trophy safe and having their name and date of their win engraved on the trophy at their expense. The Champion may take assistance from others in performing these duties but the champion is still responsible for making sure they are completed. 3.2 The Champion may delay engraving to split costs with the next champion, if desired, with the exception that the trophy must be up-to-date at the Brownbears Tahoe weekend each year. Note: Ken has been taking care of this by making one plate per year just before the Tahoe weekend that replaces the plate on the trophy. 4. Who can participate in a challenge 4.1 Any person who has been to a Brownbear Tahoe weekend can participate in a BSD Cup Challenge. -replaced -4.2 Any person who has been to two poker events hosted by a brownbears -replaced - where all brownbears were invited can participate in a BSD Cup -replaced - Challenge provided they would generally be invited to future -replaced - poker events. 4.2 Any person who is elible to vote on amendments to the rules can participate in a BSD Cup Challenge. 4.3 Other players cannot participate. 5. Challenge Fee and Prize Pool 5.1 The minimum individual challenge fee is $100 US. 5.2 The minimum challenge prize pool is five times the minimum individual challenge fee. 5.3 Each of these minimums will be adjusted upwards in response to inflation. When $100 1999 US dollars is worth $20 US in current dollars more than the current minimum individual challenge fee the fee will be adjusted upwards by $20 US thereby also adjusting the minimum prize pool Note: 7/28/2006 - Fee inflation adjusted to $120 minimum Note: 12/14/2013 - Fee inflation adjusted to $140 minimum Note: 7/9/2021 - Fee inflation adjusted to $160 minimum 5.4 Minimum fees and prize pools will never be adjusted downwards. 6. Challenge Requirements 6.1 A BSD Cup Challenge must consist of at least four challengers. 6.2 Each challenger must pay at least the minimum challenge fee and the prize pool must be least the minimum challenge prize pool. 6.3 The champion must accept any valid challenge after 45 days since the last challenge. 6.4 The challenge location and time should be agreed upon by both the champion and all the challengers. - added 6.4.1 on 8/18/2022 - 6.4.1 The challenge shall be held a minimum of 30 days after the challenge is accepted. 6.5 If a time and place cannot be agreed upon within 120 days of the challenge being tendered the champion may be stripped of the title and the challenge held when and where the challengers agree without the champion present and a new champion will be determined, provided thirty days notice is given to the champion. If the champion is deceased or has moved out of the United States of America notice need not be given to the champion. 6.6 A challenge will be held each year at Lake Tahoe during the annual Brownbears Tahoe weekend provided a valid challenge can be created. This challenge may be less than 45 days since the last challenge and need not have the current champion present. 6.7 The current champion need not pay a challenge fee. - replaced 10/20/2012 -- - replaced - 6.8 If, for any reason, the current champion is not present they will be - replaced given a stack and pay blinds until the stack is gone. 6.8 If, for any reason, the current champion is not present they will be given a stack and pay blinds for the first 30 minutes of the tournament at which point any remaining chips will be removed. 7. Structure of Challenge 7.1 The games to be played will always be some form of poker. - replaced 7/11/2019 -- - replaced - 7.2 The default structure is $100 in chips, regularly increasing blinds - replaced - and no limit betting with the champion having the choice of - replaced - a. alternating rounds of Texas Hold'em and Omaha Hi/Lo 8 or better - replaced - or - replaced - b. all Texas Hold'em - replaced 7.2 on 7/11/2019 - 7.2 The default structure is 200 big blinds in tourney chips, regularly increasing blinds and no limit betting with the champion having the choice of a. alternating rounds of Texas Hold'em and Omaha Hi/Lo 8 or better b. all Texas Hold’em or c. alternating rounds of Texas Hold’em and Omaha High-only 7.3 The structure may be changed by unanimous agreement of the challengers and champion, if present, for the current challenge. - added 7.4 on 10/20/2012 - 7.4 If the champion is not present and unanimous agreement is not reached by the scheduled start time of the challenge the most recent champion decides the game to be played. If no former champion is present the game is the same as the last challenge. 8. Prize Pool 8.1 All entry fees will be placed into the prize pool. 8.2 The sum of $25 US will be removed from each of the first twenty challenges and presented to Derek in repayment of the cost of procuring the trophy. 8.3 If additional trophy modifications are necessary an appropriate amount will be removed over several challenges to fund or repay the cost of the modifications or repairs. 8.4 The remainder of the prize pool is awarded as prizes. 8.5 The default prize is the entire remaining pool to the champion. 8.6 The remaining prize pool may be subdivided to many players upon unanimous agreement of all players still playing the challenge. 8.7 No agreement may include the awarding of the championship without playing poker until only one player has all of the chips. 8.8 The remaining player with all the chips is declared the Champion and is awarded possession of the trophy along with all rights and responsibilities pertaining thereto 9. Ownership of the Trophy 9.1 The BSD Cup Trophy is the joint property of all surviving players who have participated in the last two challenges regardless of current possession. 9.2 Possession of the BSD Cup Trophy cannot be transferred without a BSD Cup Challenge event.